On Thu, 2005-08-18 23:10:10 +0100, Antonio Carlini <a.carlini at ntlworld.com>
If you hunt around on the web you can find various
people who have done a 1-phase conversion on the
box - they probably have experience of what you
need to do to test the PSU.
Well, information is sparse. I've heared rumors there's one HOWTO
including more detailed description and (especially) some images, but
I've got three-phase power around, so I can use it (after throwing away
the original 25A plug and substituting it with a 16A version which is
more common in private buildings...)
There's lots of documentation on
Look for any VAX 6000 docs and any KA62-KA66 docs.
Anything with XMI in the title should be useful too.
Already printed everything 6000 specific out; didn't yet dig for XMI
I used to support the drivers for the DSB32 and
DMB32 so once you get around to trying those out
I may be able to provide some hints.
...for which operating system? NetBSD?
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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