Do you
_really_ want me to try it?
Definitely not, for one thing you would not be able to report back the =
result of the test if successful, only if it failed.
I believe that crucifixion is a slow (and painful) death. In which case I
could presumably find a way to send a message after I was nailed up
(perhaps using one of those input devices for disable people that only
requires a single-bit input, say an pressure sensor operated by sucking a
tube. Steve Ciarcia described one in an Circuit Cellar article in Byte
years ago). At least then you'd know the nailing was successful.
I am still not intending to try it...
A bit like testing the I/O instruction that a torpedo's processor issues =
to explode its charge, and the code it executes afterwards. The Q.A. =
The only sane things to put there are surely a CPU halt or BR .-2 or