CLASSICCMP(a) wrote:
A M8190-AB is a 15 MHz (11/73) CPU with "warm
floating point", but
*will* accept the FPJ11 as an option.
I have one -AB that has a socket for the FPJ11 and one -AB that doesn't
have a socket installed. Are these the same board? Is installing a
socket on the board without one difficult (being it's multilayered)?
To further complicate matters, within digital the CPU
is identified
differently based on whether it has PMI memory installed or not.
(And, of course, it matters whether the PMI comes before or after
the CPU in the backplane!) So, for example, you may find a 18 MHz
CPU with non-PMI memory called a 11/73, but with PMI memory it's called
a 11/83.
I have a couple of 1MB M7458-AH (MSV11-RA) PMI boards. Although the
Micronotes refer only to MSV11-J boards, I assume that what it has to
say applies to the MSV11-R also?
I also have a 4MB non-PMI board. What sort of performance loss do I
get by using the non-PMI memory? My goal is to run 2.11BSD, so more
memory may be better than faster memory. (Of course, I can always try
to find more, faster memory!)