I found another computer not on the list and one I don't have much info
on. This one is an Applied Processor Labs APL/80 Microcomputer System,
is an S-100 system, and uses an 8080 CPU. It has 64K of memory on a
Model DM6400 Measurement Systems and Controls, Inc. board. It is one of
the boxes with no internal floppy drives, and uses a Vista Computer
Company floppy controller card connected to two Vista external floppy
drives. It has an IMSAI SIO rev 3 board along with the APL 2 board CPU
set and APL PIO card. There is one wirewrap interface card of some sort
in the machine. I picked it up a couple of years ago at the TRW swap
meet in Los Angeles. From what I can remember, the guy said it was
built by some people associated or formerly associated with Intel. The
wirewrap interface card was used (as I recall) for some sort of sign
lighting control. I thought I had some documentation on it but I don't
see it (yet.) Anyone know anything else about this machine? Thanks.