Recently came into posession of a WD "Blue Rings" NAS setup. I've rapidly
come to the conclusion that
it really isn't very good as a NAS, and doesn't even do what it's supposed to
(I can't even get SSH to stay
up or reliable connections from computers).
It has a ARM-based board with an Oxford OXE800, VIA Ethernet, onboard USB, provisions for
a serial port
(provided I supply a level converter to go to RS-232 from the supposedly
"standard" 3.3V to a real standard).
The big downside is the BGA RAM chip with only 32MB. I guess it's probably in the
junker category since
there really isn't any way I can expand the RAM (1 BGA 256Mb DDR chip, no extra pads),
but I thought I'd
check because I've been interested in the Pi for a bit and then this dropped into my
lap - any thing that can
be done usefully with this HW?