I posted to <rescue at sunhelp.org> and saw my
message got stuck in the mail
queue. Upon a further inspection I saw that the domain has expired along
with `mrbill.net' where the nameservers used to reside and both have been
taken by someone else, taking the name service down for `sunhelp.org'. I
can still reach Bill Bradford's personal page when I connect to the server
by its IPv4 address at: <>.
I noticed this, too. Since
sunhelp.org uses
mrbill.net DNS servers, and
because the server at is still up, we can still see the
content if we make our own DNS, so I configured my server at
(athena.zia.io) to answer for
mrbill.net, for
sunhelp.org, for
fiftieshouse.com, and for
lispmachine.net, so if you want to see any of
these, temporarily set your DNS server to
I did this in part to mirror
sunhelp.org, but I suspect there are already
mirrors out there.
Sorry to hear about Bill :(
John Klos