On Apr 7, 2013, at 5:58 PM, Mouse <mouse at rodents-montreal.org> wrote:
> By providing virtualisation, VMware is doing
for Intel platforms
> what VM/370 did onmainframes in the 1970?s.
Is it? How easy is it to run VM-in-VM with VMware? (That's a serious
question; I have never even looked at it myself. Work has never
required it, and, like all closed-source software, it's simply not
under consideration for my home use. Someday I want to learn enough of
the x86 hypervisor hardware facilities to build a hypervisor of my own,
but so far opportunity and inclination have not coincided for that.)
x86 HW doesn't really allow VM-in-VM. If VMWare supports it at all
it's all through SW emulation.
TTFN - Guy