On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 7:03 PM, David Riley <fraveydank at gmail.com> wrote:
On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:02 PM, Ethan Dicks wrote:
So during the critical interval of 1971-1973,
when B became C, what
terminals would have been in common usage at Bell Labs? ?In
particular, what would have they (Ken and DMR) have typed their curly
braces on? (since ASR-33s lack them)
Simple (graphical) answer:
I have seen that picture before, but it doesn't directly address the
question. Those are ASR-33s - commonly used with DEC equipment, but
have no lower-case and no curly braces.
Digging around this morning, I found the answer:
D. M. Ritchie and K. Thompson, `The Unix Time-sharing System, C. ACM
17 No. 7 (July 1974), pp 365-37.
"1971... early summer... we supported Teletype?s model 37 terminals..."
From my reading, I also learned that Model 37s were
used with Multics.
Makes sense.
I've now seen pictures of the 37. I can safely say that I've never
seen one in person. One webpage I found claims that at some point in
the past, large amounts of them were herded up and sent to the Soviet