Hi Dave, there's no reason for this guy to be
flying off like he is.
Nothing out of line in your entry, and he's probably just a bit eccentric.
The only thing I could see factualy (nitpick) wise is (and it has nothing
to do with his gripe however):
... Suggested new wording:
"In 1976, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs formed the
Apple Computer Company
to sell Wozniak's computer, which they named the "Apple 1". Although it
required the users to provide their own cabinet, power supply, keyboard
and video monitor, it didn't require a seperate terminal as other
computers of the time did. A simple BASIC interpreter could also be
loaded with an optional casette interface. Although it required a fairly
technical user to complete the system and make it usable, about 200 Apple
1's were assembled in Jobs' garage and sold in the first year."
Thanks, and I agree - I have updated the site to reflect these changes.
And to everyone else - thanks for the feedback and encouragement.
To paraphrase Spock "I shall give this individual all the consideration
he is due". (I love quoting fictional people)
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: