At 05:56 PM 3/22/99 -0500, Max Eskin wrote:
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Tony Duell wrote:
...discussion of pros/cons of diplaying classic systems...
Are you sure about that. Some people are certainly
interested in seeing
how things (computers, steam engines, machine tools, etc) were used. I've
been to plenty of interesting museums where many exhibits consist of
somebody demonstrating something.
Yes, but for a computer there's nothing to watch besides blinking lights.
For a steam engine, you see someone poke firewood, the wheel spinning,
smoke coming out, etc.
That sounds like an awful PC (Personal Computer) point of view...
If the display is properly done, there can be a lot of things to watch.
Open reel tape drives, large format plotters, graphical disply
terminals/screens, high-speed line printers, and of course... the
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