I didn't look closely but was part #180502 the
print head formerly made of
black rubber? Seems like it.
Actually, I think that's incorreect. Someone obviously installed part
#180503, the Opaque Goo Module. You're very lucky to see this rare option
-- it's a collector's item! Maybe you should sell it on eBay.
Seriously, I don't know. What does the print head do? I know there's the
print hammer (which you mentioned) and the type box. Since there's also a
platen and a ribbon, I don't see why you would need any extra pieces.
By the way, I _hope_ there are not one hundred eighty thousand different
parts in that one machine. Do you know how many there actually are, or how
the part number system works? (Maybe the adjustment manual explains that,
but I've never seen the adjustment manual.)
-- Derek