However, the widget drive itself throws up an error.
First things first
though. I'll source a replacement IWM chip first, then worry about the
widget drive. It might just need some exercise.
Is this the same IWM that was used in the earlier Macs? That might be a
source of one.
As for the drive, this is the strange 5.25" drive, isn't it? I would love
to see insdie one. Hwoever, my first comment is going to be that I
suspect an alignment disk for that is even harder to find than alignment
disks for standard drives, so whatrver you do, don't disturb the head
I don't think there are schematics of the Widget out there, so you may be
somwhat on your own. A drive typically consists of several subsystems --
the spindle motore, the haed positoner (and track 0 sensor), the index
sensor, write protect sensor, etcm and the read/write chain. Apple may
well have oden without some of the sensors, though.
Does the eror you get give any more information? Does thre drive try to
spin? Does it move the heads?