Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 11/9/2005 at 12:40 AM woodelf wrote:
Unicorn Electronics may have a few in stock. They
are about $20 each.
"Holey Moley!" to quote Homer Simpson. $20 for this chip? I may still
have one of these (picked up out of a Radio Shack clearance bin). If I can
find it, you can have it for $5 (I'm sure I didn't pay more than that for
it). Give me a few days to look.
Does anyone need any of the GI AY-3-8910 sound chips? I've got about 4 of
those, too. I'm not going to use them.
What else is desirable in terms of old silicon? I've got tons of old 4116
and 4164 DRAM and no place to put it.
Surfing the web to find a datasheet on 4116's, I came across Future-Bot
Their prices are steep. $250 for a 8008 ... What a rip-off $60 each
around 1975.
God! $250 for a 4004 too. Don't even ask about 1103's.
For anybody wanting to build a computer you still can get them parts,
with out the hassle of
epay... :)
Now back to looking for that datasheet ... I was wondering about the
cycle time of the
slower 16k Drams.