ObCC: I just noticed /dev/drum on a Dec here. Now I
*know* there
is not a drum on this thing, so this must be a holdover from some
earlier implementation of some Unix. True? Were filesystems on
drums managed the same as those on disks? I don't see any reason
why they wouldn't be, offhand. But I thought drums died out before
Unix appeared. Does anyone still have a functional magnetic drum
memory? That would be one _awesome_ peripheral. :-)
No, no functional drum, but I own _parts_ of a drum from
an SIEMENS 2002 - this wasn't a storage drum like later
on, this computer stored the (working) REGISTERS on the
drum (Background: the 2002 was the first fully transistorized
computer). Thats prior to core memory tek.
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut