MARCH (Mid-Atlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists) will debut part of its
vast library of computer history at the VCF East this weekend.
The collection includes full runs of the first few years of Byte,
Compute, Creative Computing, Dr. Dobb's Journal, SCCS Interface,
Interface Age, Kilobaud, and more. We also have the early years of the
People's Computer Company newsletter, anthologies of the early years of
the West Coast Computer Faire, a variety of machine-specific
publications, and early issues of various user group newsletters (some
on CD). Not to mention * hundreds * of computer books (and related
topics) from the 1940s-1980s and zillions of manuals / user guides.
Our full library will be organized later this year. It will be a
reading / research library, not a lending library, except by special