I had seven people take books from my previous list. I dug out another
case of books. It crossed my mind to put some of them on ebay, but I'd
rather just be done and have them gone.
This time I'm going to list them and not look at any responses for 24
hours. That will be more fair to the people who happen to be away from
their computer when I send this out.
Then I'll figure out how to divide the requests. I'll take into account
how few boxes I need to ship (that is, those of you whom I've already
promised boxes, you have a head start on someone who just wants a single
book from this list, since I'm shipping a box to you anyway. I haven't
shipped anything yet because I knew I was going to list these other
books when I found time to list them).
There are some gems in there.
New books I haven't listed before
The Small-C Handbook
James Hendrix
256 pages
Interfacing to S-100/IEEE 696 microcomputers
Libes & Garetz, 320 pages
BASIC Computer Games (1973/1974, Digital)
Ahl, 250 pages
BASIC Computer Games (Microcomputer Edition)
Ahl, 184 pages
The Instructor 50 Desktop Computer User's Guide
Signetics, 1978, 300 pages?
Introduction to the Instructor 50 Desktop Computer
Signetics, 1978, 120 pages?
What to do after you hit RETURN
People's Computer Company, (c) 79, a bit tattered on the edges
Byte May 78
Interface Age April 83
Microsystems, Jan/Feb 82
Microsystems, Mar/Apr 82
The Best of Byte, Volume I
Ahl and Helmers, 376 pages
The Best of Creative Computing, Vol 2
Ahl, 325 pages
Electronic Techniques
Shop Practices and Contruction, 2nd Edition (hardback)
Vallanucci, Avtgis, Megow, (c) 1981 and 1974, 606 pages
Book on how to make PC boards, cases, metalwork, etc
Transistor Logic Circuits
A significant, unified accoutn of logical mathematics and transistor
logic circuits...
Richard B. Hurley, (c) 1961, 362 pages (hardback)
Starting Forth, 2nd Edition
Leo Brodie, 350 pages, some water damage
ROS (Resident Operating System)
Cromemco, 78
Signetics MOS Microprocessor Data Manual 1983
IBM Introduction to IBM Data Processing Systems
Student Text
Fourth Edition 1970, reprint 1972
100 pages
The Real-Time Kernel
Fifth Printe Revised for v.1.10
Jean J. Labrosse
(c) 1992, 265 pages (floppy disk is missing)
RTL Cookbook
First Edition, Fourth Printing, 1969
240 pages
TRS-80 Data File Programming
Model I/III
Finkel & Brown (a Radio Shack publication)
306 pages
RCA CMOS Integrated Circuits Databook
(c) 1983, 800 pages
a bit beat up, but quite usable
SGS COS/MOS B-Series Devices Databook, 3rd Edition (1982)
[this is a CMOS 4000-series compatible family)
700 pages
Signetics digital/linear/mos Integrated Circuits Databook (1972)
1000 pages?
plus the supplement (1973)
100 pages?
Signetics Bipolar & MOS Memory Data Manual, 1980
278 pages
National Semiconductor Digital Integrated Circuits Databook, Jan 1974
400 pages?
Windows NT Device Driver Development
Peter G. Viscarola, W. Anthony Mason
684 pages
Books I listed before but which nobody claimed
Windows 95 API How-To
The Definitive Windwos API Problem-Solver
Matthew Telles, Andrew Cook
750 pages + CD
Windows Programming
Annotated Archives
Herb Shildt
520 pages + CD
Windows 95
A Developer's Guide
Jeffrey Richter
Jonathan Locke
616 pages + CD
Windows 95
A Programmer's Case Book
Seven S. Chen
754 pages + CD
Advanced Windows (Third Edition)
Jeffrey Richter
1050 pages + CD
Multithreading Applications in Win32
The Complete Guide to Threads
Jim Beveridge
Robert Wiener
368 pages + CD
Windows 95 WIN32 Programming API Bible
Book 1
Richard Simon
1378 pages + CD
Programming Windows 95
The Definitive Developer's Guide to the Windows 95 API
Charles Petzold, Paul Yao
1100 pages + CD
Linux System Administration
Vicki Stanfield, Roderick W. Smith
657 pages, (c) 2001