Rik told me
there as also an
HP46030 (?) which sends different keycoeds and was used on
the Vectra. I've never sene that one.
Mmh, I presume I have to make a picture of it..
This may come as a suprise to you, but I do know what a keyboard looks
like :-). I even know what a PC keybaord looks like :-).
WHen I said I'd never seen one, that;s literally true. But seeing the
outside of one woul;dn't tell me much about it. Taking it a part might. I
would want to see if it was close to either of the other HP-HIL keyboards
(which as I am sure you're aware [1] are very different inside). If it
was close to the 46020 in design, I would see if the COP400 had the same
HP house number (implying the same firmware). I'd also see how the ID
byte diodes were connected. And maybe trace out the key matrix.
And I am not going to be able to do that from a photograph :-)