I have a Nicolet Z80 NICE in-circuit emulator.
Unlike a logic analyzer, it MUST replace the CPU
(cannot just clip over the CPU
since some signals are asserted or blocked).
1) The 40 pin DIP's pins are on the bottom of the box
so it plugs in directly, if there's space.
If there's NOT enough space,
it comes with a ribbon cable
but with .6" 40 pin dip-PINS on both ends.
Mine came with a hand-made PCB with 2: 40 pin sockets
hand-wired together to act as a F-F adapter.
Is there are more "graceful" way to handle that,
such as a female/socket 40 pin DIP connector
directly to ribbon cable?
There are compact gender changers for DB9/DB25 RS232
connectors, why not something similar for 40 pin DIP?
2) What if the CPU is soldered to the board?
Must I desolder it entirely, or just certain pins?
Jeff Jonas
jeffj at