jim stephens wrote:
Don wrote:
way till
the blades. U2 etc, are 13w3 however but
are not as nice as the U5 because they require scsi
Nothing wrong with SCSI... :>
other than price and capacity, availability. I wish
Capacity seems to be the bigger problem. And, price
per gigabyte *at* those higher capacities!
SCSI would stay around, but I think it is headed
out in favor of SATA, as will eventually PATA
meece that are USB can go to PS2.
- mice are PS2, Serial, Sun, USB, ADB, etc.
It seems like lots of converters involved. :-(
Presumably the USB based stuff can be self-powered.
Otherwise, lots and lots and lots of wall warts??
there is a molded gizmo that seems to adapt the USB
I've had mixed experiences with those. Perhaps the ones
I have used were not intended as "generic" and had
vendor specific hacks in their implementations?
I assume the
reason off-the-shelf devices that handle all of
this "nicely" don't exist because most installations are
really new stuff usually have integrated system complex
solutions that data centers use, and they frequently use
common VGA / PS2 KB/Mouse solutions.
The "killer app" is a video digitizer with a network
spigot on the back end. Plug video, audio, mouse, keyboard
into the box and address it over the wire!
Reasonably trivial to do *except* for full motion video
support :-(