On 6/7/2006 at 7:50 PM Bill Sudbrink wrote:
OK then, this guy got a hell of a deal:
ebay auction : 8820786285
these guys got good deals:
ebay auction : 8817737206, 8814698597
Hey, I don't set prices--and the guy who bought the two drives runs a parts
business and so knows what things will sell for. Maybe he had a customer
lined up. It's really hard to say. But if he had to buy these things
through normal retail channels, he'd pay a lot more.
I've done the same thing--paid something like $70 for a NEC 3.5" diskette
drive for a customer who needed one as a replacement (this NEC was a very
weird drive, with status lines that one doesn't normally see on a commodity
3.5" drive--and it was a 1.3MB model to boot). I turned around and sold it
to the guy for $150 after I checked it out. He was happy to pay that.
OT: Did anyone see the 1620 core memory module on eBay? 8824427759 Looks
to be only a partial one--and the guy has his numbers wrong--the base model
1620 came with 20K digits of memory. (a digit being CF8421 6 bits decimal).