From: Fritz Chwolka <Chwolka(a)>
Subject: Re: C-64c probs
John Higginbotham wrote:
> What's going on here? Drive misalign? How do I realign? Bad drive? Bad cable?
> Anyone have one or two extra 1541
floppy drives they want to sell?
I have my indos not by hand but I nelieve you must type
type LOAD "$",8,1
NOOOOOOO!!!! That will make the drive do a 'non-relocating load' with
the directory starting at memory location 1025 ($0401) which is screen
memory on the 64. The load address of $0401 is remenants of 4040/2031
code left in for use by people with PETs whose BASIC starts at $0401 and
cannot do any sort of relocating load.
use just: LOAD"$",8
Larry Anderson
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