>>BTW, recent acquisitions here include a
>>an Amstrad CPC6128 and a PET. Two Z80s and a 6502;
>>hmm, not very odd!
> Yeah, you need a TRS-80 Color Computer or PDP-11
if you want an odd
> processor. :-)
I guess with Big Brother Intel the best processor
like the 6809 and the PDP-11 are the odd ones.
Hmm... I have a hard time to agree here. The 8086/7/9 is
to me one of the best CPU designs ever - at least for a
true 16 Bit machine. I true atempt to brng the good parts
of mainframe design to microprocessors.
Ok, if we just look at the CPU, then the 9900 will catch
the title for beeing a true 16 Bit design.
VCF Europa 4.0 am 03./04. Mai 2003 in Muenchen