<It would be well to get the timelines aligned. The model 1 was of 1977
<vintage. The model -3 was worked up in the late '70's before Apple got it
<juggernaut rolling. Radio Shack had a real chance to make the microcompute
Model 1 (base trs80) was 1977 (mid year). I was part of the start up in
the computer depot repair and computer store startup.
The next machine did not ship until after august 1979! I was there up to
that point. Actually I think it was the 1980s(or 1980!) that the next
version of the TRS80 family shipped.
The motly collection of parts... For years RS ment surplus parts in plastic
bags and the late 70s was sort of their weaning. Except the purchasing
mindset was there.
If anything can be said... they were one of the few that didn't go broke
shipping computers.
Oh, and Apple shipped their machine the same year as the TRS80. so the
represent the state of the art for 1977 for cost vs tradeoffs.