I am playing around with networking again,
and realized I have a lot of AUI transcievers
of different types, and only one AUI hub.
Question is, can two AUI-male connecting
converters be connected together with an
appropriate cabelling, like you can do with
RJ45/10bT, or must a person always use a
hub/repeater box?
AUI->10bT media converters have been falling from the sky like rain here, as
have 10bT hubs and switches. (That means less than a few buck per
interface). Cat-3/4/5/5e/[6/7] is a whole lot less expensive than the the
AUI quad STP cables and quite possibly cheaper than RG58. I tend to covert
to 10[00]bT at the device and have a hub or switch per room with uplink to
the main switch. The only exception is 10b2 which I run native to hubs with
BNC uplink ports. Fortunately I haven't yet needed to deal with thicknet in
the house...