I'm about 12 miles away from this. If somebody gets it and can use some labour
loading up I can wander over to help.
To my interests, there's not much of interest there, but then I'm more into
70's-and-earlier stuff..
In dollar terms I would wonder how one does a cost recovery just on moving and
storing it.
"Paxton Hoag" <innfoclassics at
gmail.com> writes:
> I am amazed I never found it in my driving around Vancouver and its
> environs looking for surplus. I get up there for the fireworks at the
Before it was mentioned in this thread I had never heard of Rawn's; it doesn't
have a high profile around here, IME. Going by the phone book there is no
retail-level store-front. (And yes, over the years I've been to every
second-hand/surplus/used-goods store in a 25-mile radius I could find.)