In a message dated 4/9/00 13:16:27 Central Daylight Time,
ard(a) writes:
An H/Z88 is a cassette-based system. It's a Z19
terminal with a Z80 CPU
board and a cassette interface. I don't know if the 3-port serial board
came in this machine or not. Although it's based on the Z19 terminal,
many machines were sold as H88 computers, etc, and were not
field-upgraded Z19s (although that was possible).
The H-19 to H-88 kits changed later to H-19 to H-89 kits. I built both.
After the Floppy controller (Hard Sector) was released, the upgrade kits
could be ordered with the Floppy interface. Both my H-19 to H-88 kits came
with the serial card. Not sure when the H-88 disappeared from the line up
The last H-89 I built was an "A". The CPU and TLB's came with RFI shields
them. I still have that one. Runs a 4 MHz Z-80, Magnolia CP/M 2.2 and 3.0,
Magnolia 128K RAM drive, Magnolia 5"/8" floppy Controller and the Magnolia
Serial/SASI board. It still is a nice machine. Power supply upgrades were
also included.
Mike Stover, KB9VU
CCA# 404
CRA# 77
Florissant, MO