On Mon, 17 May 1999, Chuck McManis wrote:
At 06:35 PM 5/14/99 +0000, it was written:
The previous mentioned article in Byte is
"Coincident Current Ferrite Core
Memories" and is in the July, 1976 Issue. It is very helpful.
Could somebody *please* scan this article in and post a URL to it? (I'll
host it if it doesn't have web space (and I can scan it too if someone has
the issue to loan or can make a good copy of it))
Hi Chuck (and all),
I can't promise anything, but I _THINK_ I have the July '76 issue at
home. I seem to remember the Bi-centenial cover (the declaration of
independence coming out of a teletype, I think).
If I have it, I will scan it for you tonight and post a pointer here.
"You know, if there's one thing more destructive | Seth J. Morabito
than a hydrogen bomb, it's a hydrogen bomb strapped | sethm(a)loomcom.com
to the back of a MANLY MAN!!!" [James "Kibo" Parry] | Perth ==> *