On Apr 9, 2013, at 2:10 PM, Dave Woyciesjes <woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Yes, 2 of the computers listed are not on topic
(MacBook Air & Playstation 3, which is arguable if it's even a computer); one is
barely on topic (Mac Cube).
And there is only 1 big computer, the Cray 2. Still an interesting read. But I'm
curious as to what others should be on the list? No bickering, we all know everyone has
their own opinion?
This will open some mouths and keyboards. El Reg has a slight UK bias and it clearly shows
by giving the Sinclair ZX series two spots on the list.
I do believe the Mac Cube is an awesome design, even if prone to overheating. Home hackers
have made them into dual-processor systems, too. I also think the C64 has a better design
than the C128, but what do I know?
The comments on the article at El Reg say it all. No CM-2 or CM-5, no SGIs. No Sun E10k or
CS6400 (each kind of sexy cabinet systems in their own right.)
SGI Tezro or Indy?
CS6400: [ 2 cabinets on the left; the right are just disk arrays ]