From: Fritz Mueller
Hmm, this link didn't work for me
Arggh, sorry. I simply copied the link from my page:
and didn't check it. :-( I'm a bit suprised that Warren broke everyone's deep
links by re-organizing...
I found I think equivalent mirrored at:
...which directory contains several file system images and one tape
image, "v6.tape".
Argh. I thought there _used_ to be disk images there - maybe they got removed?
Anyway, the one you want is now here:
Just decant all the bits onto a RK pack, starting at block 0, and you should
be able to boot that pack.
(I'll fix my page a little later, burned out after the microcode
Is that tape image maybe not compatible with
SIMH's tape format?
It's just a plain copy of the contents of a V6 distribution tape. IIRC, SIMH
wants 'tape' files with meta-data such as the length of each tape record, file
marks, etc.