BTW, that Adobe
Acrobat Document I mentioned in the previous post is only
3745Kb and that's for a 106 page document scanned at 300dpi.
what settings and file formats are you using when you do the
PDF's like that? I've got Acrobat 4 and am still having a heck of a
time getting the file size down. I can get the TIFF I import into
Acrobat down to a good size by using LZW compression when I save it,
but it makes no difference to the end PDF file.
I've got Acrobat 5, and I believe I simply used the default settings
(remember I did that book about 2 months ago). The book I scanned was
partially done as a test, and I've not had time to do any others.
The other reason I scanned that one is that the Webster WQESD/4 is a very
nice Q-Bus ESDI card.