On 7/29/05, Gene Buckle <geneb at deltasoft.com>
The bummer is, I've got a CD with the full
sources and build chain for
OpenDOS 7.01 - but can't release it. I got it when Roger Gross and I
thought that Caldera was going to go the whole route and open source it
all. That was back in '96. At least I got 'em to release GEM and
related software. :)
Aha! Another FreeGEM type. Hi, Gene!
Yes, I have one of those CDs, too, personally given into my hand by
Bryan Sparks. Ah, well.
The build system was a nightmare on wheels. Only took 40 minutes or so
on the machine I was using at the time though. It uses something like
3 or 4 different C compilers, at least 2 different assemblers and some
wild batch files. :)
I'm going to have to slap another box together and see if I can't build
a set of disks again....
"I'm not crazy, I'm plausibly off-nominal!"
Proud owner of 80-0007