The IBM MAG card Selectric's are not too hard to find. Their not cheap,
about $50 each, but I've found two in the last year.
I have not tried to interface one yet but I do have the manuals and
don't think it would be too hard. Also, they made a "Communications
MAG Card Typewriter" that has some sort of interface on it. I just
missed one a few months ago. Another thing to look out for is
the military I/O Selectric's. I bought two from govliquidation a few
years ago. Both have some damage from poor shipping though.
These have a big round military (ITT/Cannon) type connector and I have
yet to find any info on them. I was lucky to find them, they were listed
as "Human Communication Device, Typewriter"!
My real quest is a "Model B" I/O typewriter as was used on the IBM 1620,
model 1. Probably end up with a bunch of solenoids
under a standard typewriter!
Billy Pettit wrote:
Richard wrote:
Dude! That is very similar to the 2741-ish terminal that I used in
1979 and ran at 134.5 baud. I have been looking high and low for even
a picture of this puppy and you got one, you lucky bastard! :-)
If you want to unload that beast, just let me know as its something
I've really been looking hard for over the past couple of years!
I second that. I've been looking for Selectric based terminals, stand
alones, Durawriters, & console I/O writers for many years. Never found a
single one.
What a great find. I'll stand right behind Richard should you ever want to
part with it.