Dave McGuire wrote:
On 06/05/2012 11:28 AM, Steven Hirsch wrote:
Interesting, but it requires:
a) The purchase of a $50+ piece of hardware
b) That you store all your images on their web site.
DriveWire requires that you build a single cable (peanut expenditure)
and let's you store things on your own computer.
Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon, but I do not like the current trend towards
putting my own data on third-party remote sites.
THANK GOD...someone else who Gets It!
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA
For shure, that's not the only one besides you...
BTW: I'm currently 49 years old, have a little more than "normal" activity
on the net, worked as Unix Sysop for many years...but I still don't know
what for I should need Twitter and Facebook..
PS: We have here in Germany aggressive Advertising from the German Telekom
for their Cloud system.
"Die Telekom Cloud!" ...since they must use english vocables in any sentence
where it is possible to get "a modern image".
For any normal German that sounds like "Die Telekom klaut!" wich means in
German that they are stealing ..
Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe,
www.tsht.de, Holm Tiffe,
Freiberger Stra?e 42, 09600 Obersch?na, USt-Id: DE253710583
www.tsht.de, info at tsht.de, Fax +49 3731 74200, Mobil: 0172 8790 741