Ethan Dicks wrote:
I can understand the "1 year, 2 year..."
rule in principle, but I
would never pick a hard date for anything for myself and say "this
needs to go" merely because of age.
I'm much more likely to thin based on what's interesting than when it
was last powered on. I go in bursts on things. I also flit and
dabble. Several times a year, I finish projects that I started more
than 5 years ago. So far, the longest time between start and finish
is somewhere around 22 years (porting "Zork I" to the PET). I do
finish old projects, just not fast enough to please some people.
Oh, yeah, no doubt. I'm keeping a couple that I haven't run in 5
years or more, and getting rid of a bunch that have been powered up in
the last few months.
The "2-year rule" is more of a mnemonic than a timer, if that makes
any sense.