On 2015-01-16 05:58, Kyle Owen wrote:
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Johnny Billquist
<bqt at update.uu.se> wrote:
As for memory, I hope you are aware that RSX
reports memory in kilowords,
not kilobytes. :-)
Doh...! No, I wasn't aware of that. In which case, SYSGEN apparently had no
problem detecting how much RAM was in the system! Thanks for that tidbit.
Yep. :-)
But anyway,
why not go for a fully loaded machine when you have the chance?
Slightly less than 4MB, or 2MW.
Well, I suppose if it's as easy as changing the config file and re-running
SYSGEN, I'll do it.
No need to SYSGEN. The system will pick the memory size at boot.
I'll check out that documentation pronto (Intro to
RSX sounds like a great
start). Right now, I've been working on punched card reading on the PDP-8,
as well as emulating a VC8E. Sounds like I need to catch up on the 16-bit
realm for a change!
Have fun! :-)