Hello list,
My DZ11 arrived cableless, so just a simple query:
Anyone out there has the pinout for the 50-pin connector on the DZ11 itself?
The manual make no mention of any sort of wiring diagram.
Is not the Printset available somewhere (e.g. Bitsavers)? That would
include the pinout of the connector.
I can tell you that towards one end of the connector are 4 lines per port
-- something like TxD, RxD, CD, and Ground, arranged in a square. Then 2
grounds. Then 2 rows of 8 signals -- all the DSRs down one side and all
the DTRs down the other, or something like that.
I had to work this out the hard way for my first DZ11. Tracing the
groundds wasn't hard, then I figured out which were inputs and which were
outputs. Fiddling with the DZ11 registers from the PDP11's front panel
let me identify the outputs (toggling the DTR and set break bits),
readign the registers identified the handshake inputs. The line left over
had to be the RxD line :-)
I should have the printset somewhere, and can e-mail you the pinout if
you can't get it anywhere else.
I'm planning to make an octopus cable myself with the info..
Assumeing you have am RS232 DZ11 (current loop ones exist, or so I am
told), then it is just a cable. All the buffers are on the DZ11 card.