On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 09:58 -0500, John Foust wrote:
See his 1991 book "Tog on Interface", where
he claims in the 80s
Apple performed $50M in tests that showed that people consistently
reported believing that keyboarding (using shortcuts, etc.) was faster
than mousing, yet the stopwatch consistently showed that mousing was
faster than keyboarding.
Sorry, John, that's simply not true. Casual observation will show
that; there's no need for a $50M study to determine it. In point of
fact, job sites where typing output needs to be maximized tend to use
old copies of WordStar for their text editing, as ALL commands in WS can
be accomplished by the standard typewriter keys, plus the control key.
People can then type without breaking their concentration by either
trying to find the correct shift state (Shift, Control, and Alt)
function key, or taking hands off the keyboard to reach for the mouse,
move the pointer up to the proper pull-down menu, open it, find the
correct selection, and select it.
I note that this is a classic example of buying results. "Hey, we
have 50 Million, and we want to prove that a mouse system is faster than
a keyboard system. Who wants to help?" I'm sure this study, if
published at all, was published in The Journal of Irreproducible
Results. What are the methods? I would be willing to bet that it has
not been peer-reviewed. The phrases "media buy," "bollocks" and
Relations" come to mind immediately.
Scientists and researchers have recently shown themselves to be
whores for their funding. There is no clearer proof of this than the
relatively small number of scientists protesting the furor over the
imaginary link between planetary temperature cycles and alleged human
effects. While a simple logical case can be made for a human cause of
the current warming trend, even a cursory examination of the data
already collected indicates STRONG support for the idea that humans play
no, or close to no, role in the current warming. Scientists have
discovered that panic induces increased funding, so, strangely enough,
all of their recent releases are panic-inducing. Those who don't "play
along" lose their funding.
Warren E. Wolfe
wizard at