Jules Richardson wrote:
jd wrote:
Here's one that even HP Greeley couldn't
help with:
Looking for specs and ROMS or ROM images for Xebec Winchester
controllers such as those used in the HP 9133A disk.
Which board was that? I've got a few of the S1410 boards I think... I
won't be near them (or a EPROM reader) for a few weeks. I'm not sure
that it'll help anyway; I've got a feeling that Xebec often produced
custom ROMs for specific manufacturers. Most of mine will be Torch; HP
ones are probably different.
> I have the HP manuals and there is not enough info in them.
> Somewhere I (may still) have DIP switch settings for the board,
> obtained experimentally. I do not have
Theyre not S1410's. Not even close.
They have the black brick in the
middle, HPIB connector and connect to two ST506-type drives. I have one
connected to a Seagate and a Shugart 5Mb and one connected to a Shugart
Since they are buried deeply in storage I can't see them (or get to them
Reporter (to Mahatma Gandhi): Mr Gandhi, what do you think of Western
Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.