Well, I was expecting to get a Heathkit H11 today, but instead got handed
something else.
1) A mint condition Heathkit H27 (dual 8" floppy drive for H11). Wonder if
it's usable on anything else?
2) An odd Xerox box with two pieces:
A) There's a keyboard labled G25-028409. It has these tilt-up legs of a
style I've never seen before (they turn and come down from the side like
landing gear). The cable coming off the keyboard (keyboard end is hardwired)
has a DB25 on it. There is also a DB15 port on the back of the keyboard with
little lock posts like you see on an AUI port. The keyboard is missing what
I assume to be the ESC key.
B) There's the main "unit" labled product Code U07, and U07-015414. This
white cube has a black 8" floppy drive in the front. On the back is a
hardwired cable that ends in a DB37, and also a DB37 port on the back. I get
the feeling this box is JUST a floppy drive, not a system. There is a floppy
disk in the drive labled "Xerox 8000, applications #5, Master Disk, part
130S01031, Rev OS4.2, code 2Q84, CS#0714". Whatever the heck that means!
Any one in the know about Xerox stuff like this care to expand on what I
Jay West