-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
From: Guy Sotomayor
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 11:04 PM
To: General at main.local ; Discussion at main.local:On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: MEM11 Update
As I mentioned previously, I took some time off from working on the
MEM11 for the past several months.
I had some time over the past few days, so I spent it working on the
[...snip ...]
Oh, and of course everything (simulator, MEM11 firmware and tools for
the build environment) are all
written in forth. ;-)
TTFN - Guy
Hi Guy,
great job, thumbs up!
Thanks Noel for looking up the previous post.
Your planning is very good Guy, you seem to be on track.
Following this with much interest as I have a CPU-only PDP-11/20.
This design will make it "complete" with a single board. I do have
an RK11-D (somewhere).
However, I have no experience with forth :-(
- Henk