On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Simon Claessen <simski at dds.nl> wrote:
It really depends on the age, but absolutely not
lineair.I have a fernseh
video monitor from around 1955 still working fawlessly without any work on
it done. but machiens from around 1991 and up are
The *rate* at which the oxide breakdown occurs might have some correlation
with age due to improvements in the construction, but the breakdown process
has nothing to do with the absolute age of the capacitor and everything to
do with how long the capacitor sits unused. A 40 year old aluminum
electrolytic that is regularly used should have no oxide breakdown, while a
20 year old capacitor that has never been used can have serious breakdown
and need reforming.
The oxide breakdown process is also essentially unrelated to the drying out
of electrolyte, which is caused by defective seals or overstress.