Hello! Thanks for putting that explanation together,
Tony! Is there a speci=
al grease you normally use to lubricate with or do any work? Microtest seem=
The lubricat is not that criticual in my experience. For grease
(slow-moing parts, leadscews and ball races) I use the normal high
melting point grease I use elsehwere for oil (faster moving parts, bush
bearings, etc) I use watch oil.
ed like a nice unit !RegardsKenny =
It is rather fun. I modified an Amstrad PPC to ahve a DC37 in place fo
the second drive so I can cable the drive under test to that machine. I
fits reasoanbly well o nthe workbencch, for all this Amstrad 'portable'
is actually wider than a PDP11 panel.