I have been sitting here for the past 3 hours trying to make **** BSDi see
a Digiboard that MS-DOG swears is there and BSD swears is not. If this
were my PDP I could just drop in another DZ11, but no, Intel has to make
the machines, and they have to use some bass-ackwards IBM BIOS which
limits the normal amount of serials to 4... And, since this is work, I
can't leave at 5 because the CUSTOMERS are down, and they get to call me
with their whiny little voices and say "The Internet is down, and it's
your fault I didn't read the mail saying this was scheduled...", and worst
of all I'll be here till 6 because this doesn't work, and I could be
getting an RL02, controller, and terminator for $20 at 5:00, but no, the
CUSTOMERS are down, so I have to put myself last *AGAIN*...
Oh, that feels better. Now, off to rebuild BSD again...