On Jun 11, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Warren Wolfe wrote:
Search for "dielectric absorption", or look
up "permittivity" in
Wikipedia to
get an idea of just how complex capacitors are (!)
Yes, I'm aware of their complexity...From my childhood days I
thought they were simple, but in recent years I've studied them
pretty closely. I've been dabbling in metrology for a few years
now and have become amazed at the complexity behind the "simple"
things that are the underpinnings of all things electronic. It's
fascinating. Anyone interested in electronics would do well to
investigate this a bit.
I'm a NIST certified calibration technician.
Umm, whoa! Can I send you some GR standards and my Thomas one-
ohm?? 8-)
The amount of dorking around that is done to get
around the
effects of metal junctions, including all solder joints, and the
effects of temperature and humidity, is amazing. Getting great
accuracy is surprisingly difficult.
Yes it really is. I fight with thermals, in particular, all the
time. The copper vs. copper oxide thing drives me nuts; I'm about to
buy stock in Caig.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL