While on the subject of SMS, does anyone have an SMS-1000 PDP-11 system?
The built in storage controller is supposed to be fully MSCP
compatible and while I have been able to get RT-11 working on the
internal hard drive I have never been able to get it to work with
RSTS/E or 2.11BSD. It has been a while since I've powered up the
system and from what I remember the firmware would display a version
less than 1.0, maybe something like 0.8, or maybe the version was
written on the firmware EPROM labels. Also, the CSR address choices
available to configure the built-in MSCP controller in my SMS-1000
don't match the CSR address choices listed in the manual.
If anyone else has one of these SMS-1000 systems I would be curious to
know what firmware versions you have, and whether you have been able
to get anything other than RT-11 working with the built in MSCP