The collection is now on
The collection will lock into the main magazines collection soon (we have
scripts that step through and link things over the day.)
As mentioned, there's been an effort by myself and others to put as many
magazines of all sorts up on the archive, building on the work of hundreds
of people who've scanned in magazines and journals over the years. Right
now it's a little scattershot, but I've tried:
In terms of "I'd like to help" with the whole scanning thing, the real
important stuff is low-circulation newsletters or specific magazines that
you have copies of - for example, I have all the issues of the LaTeX
Journal, which isn't that major a magazine - scanning in BYTE or Compute!
at this point would not be a good use of time, although I can suggest some
places that might take your copies.
But anything people upload, I'll happily get into the collections. My hope
is to, of course, get everything ever.
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Jason T <silent700 at> wrote:
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Sean Caron
<scaron at> wrote:
Is there a lot of interest in this sort of stuff?
I have a bunch of old
Well I think there is - but I'm likely in the same "save it ALL" camp
as Jason Scott and the other archivists. Of course one must
prioritize projects so I went for one that was achievable (not too
many issues, low page count in each) as a first attempt at doing
magazine scans. Some didn't come out as nice as I would have liked
(badly cut edges, bleed-through, etc) but most are decent.
MacUser and Macworld magazines (various issues,
1985 thru 1996 or so)
including a mint October 1985 MacUser issue 1, a bunch of old LisaTalk
Report magazines, and some Sun Remarketing catalogs.
I'm sure those would be of interest. Be sure to check
(and other sites) first, as there is a lot of magazine scanning going
on out there. Byte is coming along slowly but steadily. I still
can't let go of my paper copies, though :)
CompuServe was interesting enough to scan but not holy or rare enough
that I didn't mind cutting them up (sorry Mr. Scott.) I have over 100
issues of Datamation here that I would love to share online (there's
really nothing else like them) but I won't destroy those.
DIYbookscanner and other projects/products have my attention.