So will anything else, to include breathing air (clean or dirty) - seems
anything we do/eat/intake/consume, or not consuming certain things,
eventually causes death - essentially a long slow oxidation of a carbon
based entity. My parents passed in their mid 60's, one from smoking related
cancer (Mom smoked 1 pack a week from 20 to 55) but Dad died from a genius
OR tech that allowed a gauze sponge to remain in the chest cavity after
surgery for an anurism - he smoked 2 packs a day from 11 (yup that young)
till he went into the hospital for the surgery. He also had a high stress
job as a Chicago cop for over 30 yrs in all of the worst areas. Go figure on
how light smoking did my mom in but my dad never had any smoking related
illness/ailments ever. His autopsy showed that he smoked but yet there were
no signs of cancer or serious damage to his heart or lungs. Hmmmm....seems
everyone has different tolerances to most anything.
I had an aunt die 8 yrs ago - never smoked in her life and always lived in a
smokeless home. She died of lung cancer after 5 yrs of suffering with it and
the chemo attempts to get rid of it. She was 40 when she died.
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: owner-classiccmp(a)
-> []On Behalf Of Mike Ford
-> Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 7:45 PM
-> To: classiccmp(a)
-> Subject: Re: Smoking around computers
-> >Just busting your chops. There's nothing wrong with smoking something
-> >that Mother Nature put on Earth. Shame on those that think otherwise.
-> Nuts to that, smoking tobacco will kill you.