-----Original Message-----
From: SUPRDAVE(a)aol.com [mailto:SUPRDAVE@aol.com]
Decided to pull out my amiga 500 and a PHOENIX hard
that fits it.
plugged it all in and the hard drive spins up, but the amiga
still prompts
for a system floppy. can a PC download and create an amiga
system disk? i
Short answer: No. ;)
Long answer:
The amiga floppy format is 880k. The standard peesee drive/controller setup won't do
it. You may be in luck if you have a catweasel controller or a compati-card.
Otherwise, you can probably write them with a macintosh. You can also possibly do it with
some unix machines, or if you have a VAX with 3.5" floppy, or alpha... I was going
to try with my sparc IPC, myself.
On another note, I have a set of disks that will boot my amiga 1000. Kickstart and OS 1.2
(I think?). I don't know whether OS 1.2 will work on your 500, nor have I any idea
whether the OS you get absolutely must be matched to the kickstart version (in ROM on the
500...) I'd be willing to give it a try anyway, though, if you can't find
something that's more of a "sure bet."
want to see what this computer is capable of.
The only fully working '500 I've seen was very impressive in context.
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl