At 07:58 28-08-97 -0800, you wrote:
Tim or
Allison, I could really use your help. Tim, I think something in
the mail system may be preventing my messages from reaching you.
That might be. I see your messages here on classiccmp, at least...
<whew!> That, at least, is something... for a while, I thought I had
pestered you to death or some silly thing... ;-)
OK, one last attempt with VMS EXCHANGE:
Thank you! It all worked, and I now have the necessary files unZIPped onto
the MicroVAX.
Now the next hurdle; Ever since I installed OpenVMS 6.2, my second TK50
has disappeared. The device scan, at initial boot, won't even detect it.
Hardware setup is:
KA630 CPU, v. 1.3 firmware
16 MB memory
M3104 8-port serial MUX
DELQA Ethernet card (M7516YA)
RQDX3 (M7555), two RD54's and an RX50
Two TK50 drives/controllers (M7546)
RRD40 CD-ROM controller (M7552)
The Really Odd Thing is that it worked before, under MicroVMS 4.6, but now
it won't even work with that. I suspect, though I've not confirmed it yet,
that it may have to do with:
1). The fact that I've added a CD-ROM controller (appears as DUB0:)...
2). The order that I've got boards plugged into the backplane (BA123 box).
Tonight, I will try transposing the positions of the two TK50 controllers
I have. I will also try jumpering the suspect controller as the primary and
removing the RRD40's board.
Any suggestions would be welcome. As mentioned, I find it interesting that
two TK50's worked under MicroVMS 4.6, then suddenly stopped working under 6.2.
Do I need to use SYSGEN, perhaps, after the fact? If so, what string do I
feed it? (low on docs again!)
For comparison/test purposes, I'm going to CC this to the CLASSICCMP
mailing list as well as your return address. Whichever one you see first
will tell me if there really is a problem with the mail system.
CLASSICCMP users, my apologies. Please bear with me until I can figure out
what's been going weird with mail to Tim's site.
Thanks in advance!
Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail: kyrrin2(a)
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."