On 06/21/2014 06:55 AM, dwight wrote:
I don't recall seeing the 8271 used or refenced
in any of the CP/M releases. I thought they all used
the bios code.
The originals would have used the two card SD controller
as in MDS800 not the series II 8271.
Even so, I thought they used the bios calls and not directly
to the controller.
Maybe it is just brain fade on my part.
No, you're right on that--the DRI disks would boot and run on an MDS800
and used the BIOS for disk I/O. We also had a Series II MDS with the
2-card controller (FM and MMFM--it didn't use MFM) that could boot and
run them.
One of those two boards (channel card?) used Intel 3000 series bit-slice
bipolar logic and ran hot as a two-buck piston, as I recall.